About the Journal
Focus and Scope |
The Journal aims to promote academic excellence in humanities. The journal addresses the academic community across the world, expressing its openness especially for promoting young researchers.
Research, theoretical, and literature reviews article are expected.
The journal has a disciplinary orientation being privileged positions from areas of:
- philosophy,
- cultural studies,
- history,
- religious studies,
- art & architecture,
- culture,
- philosophy of language,
- semiotics and sociology of culture,
- linguistics
- literature
- ethics etc.
The vision of our Journal is a global one, addressing the academic community, publishing articles resulting from theoretical or empirical research. Articles resulted from theoretical and empirical research are subject to a peer review process.
Frequency | 1 issues/year (starting with 2023). Possible supplementary issue upon request.
Language of publication | Multilanguage (ENGLISH and ROMANIAN - considering the national specific of the study/research/analysis for many information ask the editorial team by emailing us at redactia@edituralumen.net).
Journal History | Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty: Philosophy and Humanistic Sciences is an international scientific peer reviewed journal, whose language of publication is English. Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty journals were first published in 2012, as a result of first edition of LUMEN Scientific Conference Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty.
The archives of the issues before December 2016 are available at http://lumenjournals.com/philosophy-and-humanistic-sciences/
Abstracting & Indexing | ERIH PLUS, CEEOL, CrossRef, CrossCheck, J-Gate, Google Scholar, Ideas RePeC, Econpapers, Socionet, KVK, WorldCat, ICI Journals Master List - Index Copernicus, EBSCO
Publisher | LUMEN journals are published by LUMEN Publishing in cooperation with LUMEN Publishing Group (which includes LUMEN Media SRL, Iasi, Romania, Logos Panda SRL, Iasi, Romania and LUMEN Media Ltd, London, United Kingdom).
The Scientific Journals Division of LUMEN Publishing Group is proudly managed by Logos Panda SRL, Iasi, Romania.
Fiscal Code: 42930920
Registered as: J22/1906/2020
EUID: ROONRC.J22/1906/2020
Address: BLD. NICOLAE IORGA, NR.55B, BL. R2, SC. A, ET.8, AP.33
Bank accounts:
Name of the Bank: Banca Transilvania
Branch of the Bank: Agenția Podu Roș, Iasi, Romania
Address of the Bank: Bd. Socola, Nr.2, Bl.F, tronson 4, Iasi, Romania
Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty: Philosophy & Humanistic Sciences Journal has an Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs CC BY-NC-ND