Theoretical Aspects of Globalization Philosophy


  • Tudorita Rabigan University of Pitesti
  • Dana Stana University of Pitesti



Globalization, textual analysis, world economy, pro/against globalization, philosophy of globalization


Globalization, as a multidimensional process, raises interest through its scope, in terms of both the topicality of the phenomenon, and the content dimension. The literature in the field reveals contradictory opinions of that manifestation, yet one thing is certain, as far as the effects of globalization are concerned, i.e. once the phenomenon becomes chronic, there appear both winners and losers.

The views and opinions of number of specialists can produce clear arguments relating to the perception of globalization. The present study textually analyzes a few points of view held by the specialists in the domain of globalization and world economy, whishing assert, in this manner, the critical thinking concerning the phenomenon of globalization.


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How to Cite

Rabigan, T., & Stana, D. (2019). Theoretical Aspects of Globalization Philosophy. Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty: Philosophy & Humanistic Sciences, 6(2), 74-86.

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