Communicative Act – Feedback


  • Ionut Constantin Manole “Ion Creangă” State Pedagogical University from Chişinău, Moldova



Language, philosophy, pedagogy, informatics, cybernetics, feedback


Our study aims to create an analysis, from multiple perspectives: philosophical, pedagogical, informatics on the communication act, respectively the concept of feedback. In the philosophy of the 20th century, an important direction is the "rediscovery of language". Ludwig Wittgenstein opens the communication on "language games". These are used as a logical analysis by post-modern authors, between the language and the structures with the role of formation within the thinking. In pedagogy, communication plays a very important role. The way it is achieved, the resources that come into its composition, and the characteristics of the actors involved, give importance to the desired educational finalities. Out of cybernetics, the concept of reverse link has profound implications in computer science as well. Basically, everything that happens in an information system is related to the cybernetic principles of circulation of information. Claude Shannon and Warren Weaver have developed a very influential model (with applications in various fields), starting with Shannon's idea of studying the fidelity of transmission of various types of signals from the transmitter to the receiver. Cybernetics is required when a system subjected to an analysis has in its structure a closed signalling loop (causal relationship, circular) where the action of the system creates a change in its neighbourhood and the change creates changes to the initial system. Cybernetics is relevant in physical, mechanical, psychological, social, but also in political, pedagogical, medical, and other related fields.


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How to Cite

Manole, I. C. (2019). Communicative Act – Feedback. Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty: Philosophy & Humanistic Sciences, 6(2), 63-73.

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