The Second Coming of our Saviour Jesus Christ Expressed in the Hymnographic Christian Thinking


  • Cosmin Santi Valahia University, Targoviste, Romania



Christian thinking, hymnography, liturgical books, eschatology,


The eschatological condition of Christianity calls for living - within the historical framework - a longing after God, which goes beyond the limits of the ephemeral existence. The eschatological longing after the eternal things is planted in each of us, because man is a being with a thirst for eternity, for the infinite. Pondering over the divine things and accomplishing the will of God call for a sharpening of the eschatological conscience and its authentic use. The eschatological dimension of the Church, included in all its liturgical books, does not designate a virtuality, but expresses a reality, that of the experience of ?already, but not yet?; it is the reality and the actuality of the liturgical eschatology, in which, what was once, or what is going to be and will come to pass is already happening in the realm of the ecclesial and missionary sanctity. The issue of Parousia comes first in Orthodox theology. Parousia crowns all God?s deeds within His plan, His Holly will into the world. It is like a new creation of a state of eternal happiness for those who believed in God?s word and protected God?s word. It is the time, the very moment that all the righteous of all times were waiting and longing for, soothed in their suffering for heavens. It is the very moment when this stage will come to an end, while heaven and earth will be renewed for ever. It is the very moment when all who died into Christ will come back to life, when everyone will be judged, when sinners will be punished and righteous will be blessed.

Author Biography

Cosmin Santi, Valahia University, Targoviste, Romania

Assistant, Ph.D., Valahia University, Targoviste, Romania, E-mail:


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How to Cite

Santi, C. (2019). The Second Coming of our Saviour Jesus Christ Expressed in the Hymnographic Christian Thinking. Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty: Philosophy & Humanistic Sciences, 7(1), 39-50.

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