Bioethics – Philosophy or Science?


  • Antonio Sandu Professor PhD., Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava



bioethics, philosophy, science, phenomenology, deconstruction, social-constructionism


This article focuses on the epistemic position of bioethics: is it a branch of applied philosophy or a new social science that has a transdisciplinary character (Sandu, 2015)? To this end, we aim to identify some features that bioethics has in common with applied philosophy, from where it originated, and, on the other hand, we will try to identify epistemic perspectives specific to social sciences. We aimed to clarify the legitimacy of the claims that bioethics is be a part of the corpus of philosophical knowledge, but also of scientific knowledge, as well as the particularities of its transdisciplinary discourse. The identified epistemological foundations lead to the conclusion that we are facing a emerging new social science, starting from a series of postmodern peculiarities.


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How to Cite

Sandu, A. (2020). Bioethics – Philosophy or Science?. Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty: Philosophy & Humanistic Sciences, 8(1), 44-60.

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