Review of the Book “Umanism, transumanism, postumanism. Perspective filosofice” [Humanism, transhumanism, posthumanism. Philosophical perspectives], authored by Loredana VLAD, LUMEN Publishing House, 2019


  • Antonio Sandu Professor PhD., Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava



humanism, transhumanism, posthumanism, philosophy


The relationship with technology means that nowadays we are all behaviorally modified by the impact of technology, we are all technologized. Why are we talking about something that is "post" and why are we talking about posthuman people, as long  as, if we accept evolutionism, man is, according to evolutionism, a descendant of the monkey? Starting from this point we will begin the debate we propose in connection to the book “Humanism, transhumanism, posthumanism. Philosophical perspectives ”, authored by Loredana Vlad, published by Lumen Publishing House, from Iasi, Romania, in 2019.


Vlad, L. (2020). Umanism, transumanism, postumanism. Perspective filosofice [Humanism, transhumanism, posthumanism. Philosophical perspectives]. Lumen.

Sandu, A. (2020). Bioethics in crisis or a crisis of bioethics? A anthropology of the pandemic in the medicalized society. Lumen.

Sandu, A., & Terec-Vlad, L. (2016). A phenomenological Perspective on transhumanism form the perspective of the Spoken of Being, Postmodern Openings, 7(1), 67-76.

Sandu, A., & Vlad, L. (2018). Beyond tehnological singularity, the posthuman condition, Postmodern Openings, 9(1), 91-108.




How to Cite

Sandu, A. (2020). Review of the Book “Umanism, transumanism, postumanism. Perspective filosofice” [Humanism, transhumanism, posthumanism. Philosophical perspectives], authored by Loredana VLAD, LUMEN Publishing House, 2019. Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty: Philosophy & Humanistic Sciences, 8(1), 86-92.

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