Review of the Volume “Bioethics in Crisis or the Crisis of Bioethics? An Anthropology of the Pandemic in the Medicalized Society”, Author: Antonio Sandu, Lumen Publishing House, 2020


  • Alexandra Huidu PhD Student, Doctoral School of Sociology, University of Oradea, Romania; Lumen Research Center in Social and Humanistic Sciences



Bioethics, COVID-19, anthropology, Antonio Sandu


The volume “Bioethics in crisis or a crisis of bioethics? An anthropology of the pandemic in the medicalized society”, authored by Antonio Sandu and published by Lumen Publishing House from Iasi, in 2020, is not at all what bioethicists might expect. It is more than they expected. It is a book that not only deals with traditional topics of bioethics, but also takes on new discussions, newly spawned by the current COVID-19 medical and social crisis. It is not only a book for bioethicists, be they philosophers or specialists in the medical field, but it is also an eye opener for sociologists and law specialists.


Sandu, A. (2020a). Bioethics in crisis or a crisis of bioethics? An anthropology of the pandemic in the medicalized society. Lumen.

Sandu, A. (2020b). Bioetica în criză sau criza bioeticii? O filosofie a pandemiei în societatea medicalizată [Bioethics in crisis or a crisis of bioethics? An philosophy of the pandemic in the medicalized society]. Lumen.

Frunză, A. (2016). Către o nouă expertiză etică. Deconstruind valorile etice [Towards a new ethical expertise. Deconstructing ethical values]. Lumen.

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How to Cite

Huidu, A. (2020). Review of the Volume “Bioethics in Crisis or the Crisis of Bioethics? An Anthropology of the Pandemic in the Medicalized Society”, Author: Antonio Sandu, Lumen Publishing House, 2020. Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty: Philosophy & Humanistic Sciences, 8(2), 113-117.

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