Metaphors Shaping Modern Architecture in Interwar Romania

Mental models and architectural discourse


  • Valentin Popescu PhD, National University of Arts, Bucharest



interwar Bucharest, modern architecture, tuberculosis, mental model, sanatorium, machine


In X-ray Architecture, Beatriz Colomina does a psychoanalysis of the image of the TB patient but also of other diseases (including mental) and of the mental associations induced by them, associations and representations that influenced modern architecture. If such hygienic concerns influenced the production, affirmation and supremacy of the Modern Movement in the Western world, in Romania it was more about the dissemination and adaptation of Western ideas to another urban fabric and other traditions.

Apart from the sanatorium perspective, another important metaphor used for the theoretical definition and affirmation of modern architecture in Romania was the metaphor of the machine (to be lived in but not only).

We can talk about the impact of these two metaphors that frame the discourse and creation of architects from interwar Bucharest and Romania.


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How to Cite

Popescu, V. (2022). Metaphors Shaping Modern Architecture in Interwar Romania: Mental models and architectural discourse. Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty: Philosophy & Humanistic Sciences, 10(2), 41-68.

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