The Atmosphere of Antim Monastery in Valeriu Anania`s Memorii


  • Adrian Barbieru Bucharest Univeristy



Antim monastery, Valeriu Anania, biography


Valeriu Anania is the first Bishop that had the courage to publish an autobiography volume called Memorii (2008). The volume presents the atmosphere in Antim Monastery before the movement Rugul Aprins. Anania became a monk during the Second World War. The lively scenes presented to the reader do not correspond with the seriosness which is usually asociated with the monastic life. The author tells his life in a very bright way, with humour, avoiding promiscuity and human degradation in the Second World War.


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How to Cite

Barbieru, A. (2019). The Atmosphere of Antim Monastery in Valeriu Anania`s Memorii. Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty: Philosophy & Humanistic Sciences, 6(2), 37-41.

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