About the Journal

*** LUMEN PSES Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty: Political Sciences & European Studies  has ceased to be published by LUMEN Publishing and no longer is accepting submissions. You may wish to submit to another  journal. Please visit the www.lumenpublishing.com/journals website for a complete list of the active journals. LUMEN Publishing will continue to host an archive of all articles previously published in the journal and all articles published in LUMEN PSES Journal during its time with LUMEN OJS will remain fully searchable via the current website.***

Focus and Scope |

Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty: Political Sciences & European Studies aims to promote academic excellence in the field.

The journal addresses the academic community across the world, especially expressing its openness for promoting young researchers.

The mission of the journal is to be a catalyst for debate about education's role in society and its forms of knowledge.
The Journal's vision is global one, addressing the academic community, being published articles resulting from theoretical or empirical research, in the following topics:

  • Political behavior and organization
  • Political philosophy
  • Social political movements
  • European studies
  • Public policies
  • Political discourse
  • Political analysis
  • Election
  • Political doctrines
  • Political communication & marketing
  • and other related topics

The articles resulted from both theoretical and empirical research are the subject of a peer review process.

Frequency | 1 issue/ year *

* starting with 2017; The archives of the issues before 2016 are available at http://lumenpublishing.com/journals/LUMEN_PS_ARCHIVES_2015.htm

Language of publication | ENGLISH 

Abstracting & Indexing  | ERIH PLUS, HeinOnline, CEEOL, CrossRef, CrossCheck, J-GATE, WorldCat, KVK, Google Scholar, Ideas RePeC, Econpapers, Socionet, ICI Journals Master List - Index Copernicus; EBSCO

Journal History |

Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty: Political Sciences and European Studies is an international scientific peer reviewed journal, whose language of publication is English.

LUMEN journals were first published in 2012, as a result of first edition of LUMEN Scientific Conference Logos, Universality, Mentality, Education, Novelty (2011).

The archives of the issues before December 2016 are available at http://lumenjournals.com/political-sciences-and-european-studies/


Publisher | LUMEN journals are published by LUMEN Publishing in cooperation with LUMEN Publishing Group (which includes LUMEN Media SRL, Iasi, Romania, Logos Panda SRL, Iasi, Romania and LUMEN Media Ltd, London, United Kingdom).

Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty: Political Sciences & European Studies has an Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs CC BY-NC-ND