Developing a Competency-Based Model in Relation to the Training Needs of Adult Learners


  • Iulian-Ciprian Bertea State Pedagogical University of Chișinău, Chișinău, Republic of Moldova



skills, adult caregivers, professional integration, model, training needs


The aim of the paper is to develop an innovative model of learners ' skills from the perspective of adult education. Several categories of skills are involved, as a result of the current holistic approaches in the field of adult education, as well as in connection with the current requirements of society. At the core of the model are several categories of skills, such as communication, scientific, intercultural, entrepreneurial, social and digital. Each type of competence provides the adult learner with the knowledge, skills, values and behaviors to determine professional success. The novelty of the work results from the determination of the categories of skills in accordance with the training needs of adult learners, which ensures their optimal integration in the socio-professional level.

Author Biography

Iulian-Ciprian Bertea, State Pedagogical University of Chișinău, Chișinău, Republic of Moldova

PhD Student,Ion Creangă” State Pedagogical University of Chișinău, Chișinău, Republic of Moldova


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How to Cite

Bertea, I.-C. . (2022). Developing a Competency-Based Model in Relation to the Training Needs of Adult Learners. Moldavian Journal for Education and Social Psychology, 5(1), 38-54.

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