Journal for Education and Social Psychology2023-11-23T10:38:57+02:00LUMEN Publishingredactia@edituralumen.netOpen Journal Systems<p><strong>p-ISSN</strong>: 2559-7620 | <strong>e-ISSN</strong>: 2668-0653 | <strong>DOI</strong>: 10.18662/mjesp | <br /><strong>Abstracting & Indexing </strong>| CrossRef; RePEc; CEEOL; KVK; WorldCat; Google Scholar; Index Copernicus ICI Journals Master List; EBSCO<br /><em><strong>***ceased open access journal | no submisions accepted***</strong></em></p> Role of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Early Childhood Education. Integrating Educational Software into Activity2022-12-26T13:53:48+02:00Aurelia<p><em>The importance of using ICT in education has been highlighted and emphasized in the international literature. The main impact of this is at the level of curriculum design and development. The study is based on the integration of information and communication technologies into current training methods, the essence of which is to rethink the way learning takes place and the roles of the two main educational actors: the teacher and the learner. In this new context, this study aims to provide a theoretical and structural perspective on ICT, as well as the role and weight of different components of the curriculum system in the design of learning programmes based on the integration of ICT in training and assessment activities. It is well known that for pre-school children, the element of novelty that emerges in all activities carried out in the instructional-educational process plays a very important role. The more this element is present, the better their attention and memory are stimulated, enabling them to concentrate better on the tasks at hand. It is now a fact that all children are attracted to computer games and all activities involving their use. In order to maximize the time spent in front of the computer for the benefit of children, and because we have educational software suitable for preschoolers, we have formulated the objectives and hypotheses of this work, based on the premise that the attention of children who use this educational package will have a progress of memory in both quantitative and qualitative analysis.</em></p> <p> </p>2023-11-23T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2023 The Authors & LUMEN Publishing House Importance of Interactive Methods in the Development of Communication and Interpersonal Skills as Sources of Self-Awareness in Primary School Pupils2023-02-08T15:42:58+02:00Adela<p><em>The smooth running of the educational process and the results obtained depend on the methods used. Active-participatory methods are methods that ensure the applicability of knowledge, offer the prospect of practising skills and abilities in different contexts and situations, lead to conceptual clarification and operationalisation of acquired knowledge. The interactivity of the teaching-learning-assessment process is carried out according to the individual needs of each pupil, enhancing and stimulating creativity and originality. The aim of the research is to reveal the theoretical aspects of the formation and development of social competences and through them the development of self-awareness skills by using interactive methods. As a hypothesis, we have stated that the judicious, rational and systematic use of active-participatory methods in the integrated subjects taught leads to the development of emotional, communicative and relational skills as sources of self-awareness and the gradual development of interest in self-appraisal and self-training, premises that will lead to the efficiency of the instructional-educational process. Modern methods tend to come as close as possible to scientific research methods, involving pupils in direct investigation and research of phenomena. The research was carried out in parallel on two groups of subjects, one control and one experimental, each of 23 students of young school age, respectively classes A and B of the National College ,,Mihai Eminescu" in Petro</em><em>ş</em><em>ani, students having specific characteristics of psychological development of their age. Initial assessment tests were applied to the two groups, and similar results were obtained from the subjects in the experimental group and those in the control group in the initial tests. In order to achieve the objectives and to confirm the hypothesis we used different research methods and tools.</em></p> <p> </p>2023-11-23T00:00:00+02:00Copyright (c) 2023 The Authors & LUMEN Publishing House