
  • Gabriela NEMTOI Associate Professor, Ph.d., Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava
  • Ciprian UNGUREANU Associate professor, PhD, "Stefan cel Mare University, Suceava



Democracy, democratic reforms, non-governmental organizations, civil society


Democracy is a model of government based on popular sovereignty, the participation of citizens in public affairs as responsible members of the social body. The phenomenon of political participation is an integral and complex recruitment of citizens in politics. It includes a variety of overwhelming participatory forms - from simple ones to some upper elementary characteristic of political leaders. Ultimately, political participation is presented as "output” (output function), the real effect of a particular pattern of behaviour, as a reflection and manifestation of the specific processes of political socialization, its effectiveness. An unbroken tradition of theories of democracy has given more attention to political participation of citizens, which is interpreted as a primary means to defend individual rights, the duty of citizen, as an indication of the welfare policy of the company and finally as a condition sine qua non of democracy. Institutional democratic reforms uninsured active involvement of citizens in the governance process proved to be formal and ineffective.


David Cohen, Rosa de la Vega, Gabrielle Watson, Advocacy for Social Justice: A Global Action and Reflection Guide Oxfam/ Advocacy Institute Kumarian Press 2001

Gitelson A.R., Dudley R.L., Dubnick M.J. American Government: Democracy in action. 3rd ed. Boston, Toronto, Houghton Mifflint Co., 1993.

Gobbins J. The politics of postmodernity. An introduction to Contemporary Politics and Culture. London: Sage Publications, 1999, p.45.

Hermet G. Poporul contra democratiei. Iasi: Institutul European, 2000, p.54.

Huntington S. Ordinea politica a societatilor in schimbare. Iasi: Polirom, 1999.

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Nemtoi Gabriela, Nicoleta Ionescu, Ciprian Ungureanu, The role of ngo's in european governance, University, Suceava, Fascicles of the Faculty of Economic and Public Administration vol 10, no. 2 (12) 2010 ISSN 2066-575X



How to Cite

NEMTOI, G., & UNGUREANU, C. (2015). DEMOCRATIC FREEDOMS EXERCISED BY NGOS. Postmodern Openings, 2(3), 85-92.



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