The Future of Social Dialogue in the Age of Artificial Intelligence


  • Viorel Rotila Professor PhD, Dunarea de Jos University from Galati; Center for Social Research and Development "Solidaritatea", Galati



social dialogue, the future of work, cybernetic unionism, online protests, labour relations.


The survival of social dialogue depends on the extent of the social changes, being conditioned by the maintenance of the labour relations and by the models of representation of trade union type. Uncertainties regarding the future of work are automatically transformed into uncertainties regarding the future of trade unionism and social dialogue. Work is a type of social relationship that has significantly contributed to who we are. We can assume that as long as humanity lasts, work will exist (not necessarily with its present significance). We consider that the fate of social dialogue is linked to the future of trade unionism. Unions try to defend a model of balance needed within a specific type of social relations called labour relations. In order for the unions to have chances of survival (and, together with them, the social dialogue as well) these must embrace change, orientating it in the directions appropriate to their purpose. We use the phrase cyber-unionism because the main recommended way is the involvement of the unions in the use and development of AI, respectively of the new technologies and of the specific research. The overall solution: a reform of trade unionism based on a new ideology and the increase of power as a result of the use of new technologies. The scenarios proposed in this article go beyond an obvious limit: they explore the possibilities of evolution of the society using possible solutions in order to meet our current goals.

Author Biography

Viorel Rotila, Professor PhD, Dunarea de Jos University from Galati; Center for Social Research and Development "Solidaritatea", Galati

Prof. univ. dr.

Dep. Istorie, Filosofie ?i Sociologie


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How to Cite

Rotila, V. (2019). The Future of Social Dialogue in the Age of Artificial Intelligence. Postmodern Openings, 10(3), 151-189.



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