Deformation of Personality as a Consequence of a Hybrid Warfare


  • Olena Karaman Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University
  • Yaroslava Yurkiv Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University



personality, deformation of a personality, hybrid warfare, social, psychological and pedagogical factors, survey


The article deals with the results of the theoretical and empirical research of the problem of deformation of a personality as a consequence of a hybrid warfare. To verify the theoretical conclusions concerning the phenomenon of deformation of a personality as a result of the hybrid warfare the main component of which is the informational and psychological influence on the population, the authors conducted a survey aimed at revealing the features of deformation of personalities of children of school age at the individual (psycho-physiological) and social and psychological levels It has been empirically verified that a part of the population of Ukraine experienced deformation of their personalities as a result of the hybrid warfare which is revealed at the individual (interchange of stable and critical psychical states, processes and features, mechanisms of social development, etc.) and psychological (negative changes at all the structural spheres of a personality – motivational, cognitive, volitional, interpersonal and creative ones) levels. A conclusion has been made about the necessity to provide social, psychological and pedagogical assistance for the population of Ukraine in order to overcome and minimize the negative personal deformations as a result of the hybrid warfare aimed at further successful socialization and development of a personality

Author Biographies

Olena Karaman, Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University

doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, head of the educational and scientific institute of pedagogy and psychology

Yaroslava Yurkiv, Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University

Candidate of pedagogical sciences, assistant professor of the department of social pedagogy


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How to Cite

Karaman, O., & Yurkiv, Y. (2020). Deformation of Personality as a Consequence of a Hybrid Warfare. Postmodern Openings, 11(1), 42-56.



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