The Impact of Social Media Recruitment on Job Candidates’ Perceptions: Evidence from Bangladeshi Fresh Graduates


  • Sajjad Hosain Sichuan University
  • Ping Liu Business School, Sichuan University



The study intends to identify the impact social media recruitment (SMR) on job candidates‟ overall perception (OP) in Bangladesh. For this purpose, the authors have employed two independent variables of SMR: perceived advantage (PA) and perceived ease of use (PEU) and three dependent variables: perceived privacy (PP), perceived fairness (PF) and perceived ethics (PE). 877 graduates have been selected through judgment sampling as participants who have completed graduation recently and are looking for jobs. Simple linear and multiple linear regressions have been applied to analyze the data. Afterwards, it was revealedthat all the two independent variables are positively correlated to all the three dependent variables. But in case of PE, the relationship is weak. Further, PA and PEU are positively related to overall perception (OP). The results might be proven important for those academicians want to further investigate in this relatively untapped area as well as for the HR practitioners to understand the perceptions of job seekers regarding social media recruitment.

Author Biographies

Sajjad Hosain, Sichuan University

Business School, Sichuan University, China

Ping Liu, Business School, Sichuan University

Business School, Sichuan University, China


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How to Cite

Hosain, S., & Liu, P. (2020). The Impact of Social Media Recruitment on Job Candidates’ Perceptions: Evidence from Bangladeshi Fresh Graduates. Postmodern Openings, 11(1), 20-41.



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