Quality Assessment and Passenger Satisfaction from Public Transport Services in Radom





quality of service, public transport, customer perceptions


The following document shows the results of the survey research carried out on the inhabitants of Radom. The entire analysis concerned the observed satisfaction of public transport services in this city. As a result of the conducted research, there was a model created with the purpose of identifying the factors influencing the satisfaction from the public transport which include adjusting public transport to the needs of the disabled, the features of the public transport (ticket price, frequency of the shuttling, punctuality of the arrivals, accessibility of the bus stops, time of the ride) as well as the course of the bus communication line. The results of the conducted analysis suggest that the attitudes towards the public transport differ in the particular groups of passengers. The presented data indicate that the level of satisfaction from the public transport decreases with age. The observed satisfaction from the public transport also differs depending on the respondents’ sex. The conducted analysis proves that women tend to assess the quality of the public transport services more negatively than men. It points to the need of the improvement of the quality of the provided public transport services with particular reference to these social groups. The following research adds the theoretical knowledge in the area of the quality of the public transport services as well as presents the way of shaping transport services with particular reference to the role of demographic factors on the perceiving the quality of services.

Author Biography

Kamil Roman, Maria Curie-Sk?odowska University in Lublin

PhD student in management at the Faculty of Economics at the Maria Curie-Sk?odowska University in Lublin.

Scientific interests focus on issues related to public transport.


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How to Cite

Roman, K., & Czapski, G. (2020). Quality Assessment and Passenger Satisfaction from Public Transport Services in Radom. Postmodern Openings, 11(1), 71-92. https://doi.org/10.18662/po/109



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