Assertiveness of Discursive Self-referential Identity: Postmodern Paradigm


  • Larysa Marchuk Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor of Pedagogy and Psychology Department, Faculty of Social Sciences, Uzhgorod State National University, Uzhgorod, Ukraine
  • Olena Yatsyna Doctor of Psychology, Assistant Professor of the Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Uzhgorod State National University, Uzhgorod, Ukraine



identity, assertiveness, assertive behavior, self-reference, construction


The article analyzes the theoretical foundations that made it possible to identify patterns and explanatory principles of assertive behavior of discursive self-referential identity in the sphere of interpersonal relationships. The process of selfreference is viewed through operations: self-determination, selfrecognition, self-creation, self-reproduction, and selfrealization. They help to distinguish and describe identity, where discourse is a communicative field of meaning against which the process of creating discursive self-referential identity takes place. The assertive behavior is viewed in the context of life meanings, emphasizing the need to enhance the subjectivity of life, which allows to build such relationships with the outside world that promote creative growth, expanding the degree of freedom and self-development based on responsibility for their feelings, actions and relationships with others acts of social interaction. The conclusion is made about the correspondence of assertive behavior with the content of the category “discursive self-referential identity” as self-representation, constructed in the process of self-reference. Qualitative characteristics of assertive behavior of discursive self-referential identity are revealed. It is noted that assertive behavior forms a model of transparent self-referential identity, which focuses on free, autonomous, transparent self-creation and self-realization in interpersonal communications. An indicator of the model is the need to “be yourself”, which, in the context of the uncertainty and volatility of social reality, allows us to build relationships with the outside world that facilitate the selfrealization of the subject.


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How to Cite

Marchuk, L., & Yatsyna, O. (2020). Assertiveness of Discursive Self-referential Identity: Postmodern Paradigm. Postmodern Openings, 11(1), 211-224.



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