Social Construction of the Legal System. Research in the Northeastern Region of Romania


  • Antonio Sandu Professor PhD., Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava
  • Camelia Ignătescu Associate Professor PhD, Stefan cel Mare University, Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences, Suceava, Romania



Legal system, public perception, social constructionism.


This research pursues the social construction of the idea of justice among citizens by measuring the public opinion on the legal system in Romania. A number of aspects involved in the process of social construction of the concept of justice were considered, such as the role of the legal system in Romanian society, the level of transparency of the legal system, the implementation of ethics in Romanian legal system, the level of perceived remuneration of Romanian legal system etc. The research was conducted in the Northeastern region of Romania, based on sociological inquiry through questionnaire. The thematic axes of the questionnaire aimed: the sources of public information on the functioning of the legal system, the perceived level of professionalism of the personnel in the legal system, the public perception on integrity and the observance of ethical standards in the legal system, the level of remuneration in Romanian legal system, the respect for the state of law in Romania, the trust in the component institutions of the legal system in Romania.


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How to Cite

Sandu, A., & Ignătescu, C. (2020). Social Construction of the Legal System. Research in the Northeastern Region of Romania. Postmodern Openings, 11(1), 111-148.



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