Marginal Thinking Knowledge and Communication in the Postmodern Era




knowledge, communication, truth, meaning, discourse, limit, mediation, reality, simulacra, plurality, experience, daily


The paradigm of late modernity and postmodernity, characterized by the sheer living manifestation of the limit, assumes the conscience of the indissoluble, by annulling any hypothesis, interrogation or problematization. The fracturing of the self coincides with the fracturing of knowledge, as an effective dialectic movement, or, in other words, as a state of continuity of the thinking, specific to the human being. The knowledge-seeking relation to the world through exclusion, that is featured by late modernity and postmodernism is manifested, in an extreme(marginal) form, by the de-presentisation of the immanent and the transcendent and by imposing the simulation as a global process of creation of representations through communication.

Author Biographies

Raluca Stanciu, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu

Lecturer, Phd, Department of Social Assistance, Journalism, Public Relations and Sociology

Anca-Elena David, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu

Lecturer, Phd, Department of Social Assistance, Journalism, Public Relations and Sociology


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How to Cite

Stanciu, R., & David, A.-E. (2020). Marginal Thinking Knowledge and Communication in the Postmodern Era. Postmodern Openings, 11(2), 256-266.



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