Scientific Approaches to Postmodern Spirituality: Theoretical and Methodological Aspects




spirituality, postmodern, philosophy of postmodernism, scientific approaches


Today spirituality in the educational process as an independent object of formation and study is practically absent. About this concept is only a unsystematic mention within secondary topics. However, without certainty regarding this concept and the concentration of the educational process on it, it is impossible to solve the key tasks of educational activity. Without the ideas of spirituality and spiritual values formed in the personality, it is impossible to talk about the presence of the spiritual foundations of development and life. The culture of spirituality in the modern world is quite similar to that in the 20th century, because today society provokes a spontaneous acceleration of the pace of changes in life, and therefore the perception of the surrounding world and events in it also changes: knowledge and values become unstable ephemeral. Post-industrial society focuses on material successes, ignoring utilitarian values, and sceptical attitude towards reality often develops into nihilism. The world in which we live gradually begins to resemble chaos, in which there are no moral guidelines and main human values, therefore, losing the real foundation in the outside world, a person often turns to the inner world, to spirituality, in order to hide from “world” problems and difficulties.


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How to Cite

ANTONENKO, T., KACHMAR, O., TSYBULKO, O., GRACHOVA, T., & KONOVALOVA, M. (2020). Scientific Approaches to Postmodern Spirituality: Theoretical and Methodological Aspects. Postmodern Openings, 11(2 Supl 1), 200-214.



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