Legal Challenges to Countering Gender-Based Violence in Posthumanism Society: International Experience and Ukrainian Realities




gender discrimination, violence against women, gender violence, equality of the genders, domestic violence, posthumanism society


The article deals with the legal issues of countering gender-based violence in a posthumanism society in Ukraine and the European Union. The structure of the article consists of four chapters. The first chapter “General principles for countering gender-based violence in a posthumanism society” emphasizes that gender-based violence is a complex social problem. The second chapter, “Issues of formulating a definition of the term gender”, analyses the historical aspects of the formation of the term gender, as well as the history of Christian NGOs' struggles with gender strategies in the United Nations and the European Union. The third chapter, “Development of gender equality strategy in a posthumanism society” explores the content of the concept of “Gender equality”. The fourth chapter examines in detail the main provisions of the Convention concerning the struggle against gender-based violence as well as determines the issues of the ratification of the Istanbul Convention in Ukraine as European country. It is concluded that the introduction of modern forms and methods of combating gender-based violence, based on best international practices, requires the development not only of monitoring the effectiveness of legislation but also of monitoring the effectiveness of the activities of entities implementing measures of preventing and combating gender-based violence.


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How to Cite

Lesko, N., Khomyshyn, I., Tsvok, M., Havrik, R., & Kaniuka, I. (2020). Legal Challenges to Countering Gender-Based Violence in Posthumanism Society: International Experience and Ukrainian Realities. Postmodern Openings, 11(2 Supl 1), 273-287.



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