Educational Issues in the Development of Postmodernism: a Retrospective Review and Current Trends




education, educational space, pedagogical experience, the concept of "truth", postmodernism, pragmatism


The article analyzes the concept of pragmatism as a kind of postmodernism, compares its main features with other world. Today, there are a large number of scientific and philosophical movements that are trying to comprehend the sphere of education, which includes the concepts we are studying. The problems of defining such concepts as “truth” and “knowledge” in the modern world are determined by the current realities of modern society, which are led by significant informatization and globalization, which are becoming the basic and inextricable part of postmodern society with all its features. The main difficulties that arise in the process of mental activity and cognition are considered. These phenomena are analyzed in the context of pragmatic activity. During the research, the scientific works of the main representatives of the theory of pragmatism were considered. The main steps were identified that sequence of implementation in the process of obtaining knowledge. These stages and sequence are grouped into a “research theory”, in which each stage is inextricably linked to the basic concepts of the modern theory of pragmatism as part of a postmodern concept. These statements have been confirmed by research by leading authors in this field.


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How to Cite

Netreba, M., Bilyk, V., Oliiar, M., Martsikhiv, K., & Stoliarchuk, L. (2020). Educational Issues in the Development of Postmodernism: a Retrospective Review and Current Trends. Postmodern Openings, 11(2 Supl 1), 288-300.



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