Formation of the Leadership Position of Professionals in Higher Education Institutions


  • Liudmyla Shelestova Leading Researcher, Department of Didactics, Institute of Pedagogy, National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • Iryna KOSTYRIA Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Assistant Professor, Ivan Ziazun Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, Management of Social Systems, National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkiv, Ukraine
  • Valentina FEDYAEVA Doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, Kherson State University, Ukraine
  • Svіtlana BRYCHОK Candidate of pedagogical sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy of Primary Education, Rivne State Humanities University, Rivne, Ukraine
  • Maryna BOHOMOLOVA Candidate of pedagogical sciences, Associate Professor of Department of Fundamental Disciplines, Kherson Institute “Interregional Academy of Personnel Management”, Kherson, Ukraine
  • Iryna TOMASHEVS’KA Candidate of pedagogical sciences, Professor of department of general pedagogy and preschool education, Lesya Ukrainka Lutsk Eastern European National University, Lutsk, Ukrain



leadership position, future engineers, educational process, higher technical educational institution, pedagogical conditions


The article theoretically substantiates, develops and experimentally verifies pedagogical conditions for forming the leadership position of future engineers in higher education institutions of technical profile. The concept of the leadership position of a future engineer was first defined as a conscious willingness to fulfill the role of a leader and the totality of all relations of his personality to the reality formed in a certain system of group relationships generated by this awareness. The basic components of a leadership position are defined: motivational-value, cognitive, activity and personal. It is experimentally proved that pedagogical conditions of formation of the leadership position of the future engineer in the institution of higher technical education are: involvement of students in practical independent activity, which involves the application of organizational, communicative, cognitive, reflexive skills and causes the manifestation of their leadership; modeling of professionally oriented tasks, which require students to choose the best ways of leadership influence in situations of dialog and group interaction; nurturing a valuable attitude to leadership in out-of-class and classroom work.

The model of realization of pedagogical conditions of formation of the leadership position of future engineers in institutions of higher technical education has been developed, which includes the purpose, methodological approaches, methodological support of the realization of pedagogical conditions, estimation of levels of formation of leadership position in future engineers. The special importance of the complex and consistent introduction of pedagogical conditions in work with future engineers is shown.


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How to Cite

Shelestova, L., KOSTYRIA, I., FEDYAEVA, V., BRYCHОK S., BOHOMOLOVA, M., & TOMASHEVS’KA, I. (2020). Formation of the Leadership Position of Professionals in Higher Education Institutions. Postmodern Openings, 11(2 Supl 1), 145-160.

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