The Crisis of Power as a Problem of the Development of Public Administration in the Postmodern World


  • Iryna Isaienko National Pedagogical University named after M.P. Drahomanova



crisis, pulic administration, postmodern world, modern, crisis of power


One of the leading problems of the theory of globalization is the interaction of the modern state, public groups and the power system as the main source of development of the state and society. Today there is a sharp decline in the economic role of the state in the context of globalization of national markets and the monopoly regulator of the political and social system, typical of the states of the industrial era, leading to a crisis of civil society, developing within the framework of national statehood. However, such a world in the form of a “world power” does not arise, just as a global social community arose, similar to a nation. There is also a significant differentiation of nations with a tendency to primitivization, clericalization and archaization of social structures and public consciousness and, in general, an increase in the heterogeneity and conflict of modern societies. Such dramatic changes have affected the degradation of the system of power relations, including the social mechanisms of subordination, which are fundamentally unconscious of either the economy or administrative sanctions. However, the modern state, although it has lost a significant part of its capabilities and functions, continues to be the basis of social life within its territorial borders. The main objective of the study is to study the characteristics of the crisis of power in the postmodern world.


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How to Cite

Isaienko, I. (2020). The Crisis of Power as a Problem of the Development of Public Administration in the Postmodern World. Postmodern Openings, 11(3), 231-243.



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