Transfiguration of the Risk Society


  • Wojciech Melnik Uniwersytet Warszawski, Warszaw, Poland



Postmodernism, Transfiguration, Derrida, Baudrillard, Science, Deconstruction, Narrativity, Virus,


Postmodern deconstructions of the narratives about the virus generally depend on the inconsistency of the definition of life of a virus. The postmodern thought based around the conception of the network of meanings is, therefore, a categorical template for a very specific figurative development, that is linked with the paradoxical dichotomies inherent in the premodern, modern and scientific definitions of the virus. This postmodern reinterpretation of the virus is based upon the disintegration of the ontology of the virus by the reality of non-binarity of nature. The general ecological thinking of postmodernism does not, thereby, reduce the complexity of contemporary problems, but maintains different levels of narrativity about the ontology of human tragedies.


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How to Cite

Melnik, W. (2020). Transfiguration of the Risk Society. Postmodern Openings, 11(1Sup2), 85-92.



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