Professional Psychological Profile of a Modern Patrol Officer as the Basis of Efficient Official Activities




patrol officer, personality, professional psychological profile, individual psychological characteristics, professionally important qualities, professional selection


In today’s conditions of reforming the law enforcement agencies of Ukraine, it becomes relevant to study the psychological aspects of the professional activities of the National Police officers in the context of the fulfillment of their professional duties. The task of improving the psychological support of patrol police units is of particular importance. The aim of the study is to develop and substantiate the professional psychological profile of a modern patrol officer. On the basis of an empirical study, in which 290 police officers of the National Police of Ukraine participated, the main components of the psychogram of a patrol officer, which form a generalized professional psychological profile of a modern police officer, were identified. Having applied theoretical and empirical methods (the analysis and generalization of scientific literature, observation, questioning, psychological diagnostics, expert interrogation, mathematical statistics, and experiment), the theoretical principles of studying the professional activity of patrol officers, the requirements for their knowledge, skills and individual psychological characteristics were outlined. A number of valid multifactorial psychodiagnostic techniques were applied, in particular, in order to study the level and structure of intelligence; to explore creativity; to investigate the features of nervous processes; to identify the character and temperamental features; to study the features of interpersonal interaction. The study determined a list of professionally important qualities that are required for mastering the profession of a patrol officer, as well as psychological contraindications to acquiring this profession.

Author Biographies

Vadym Barko, State Research Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Doctor of psychological sciences, professor,

Professor, Chief Researcher

Ivan Okhrimenko, National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine

Doctor of law, professor,

Professor of the Department of Legal Psychology, National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine

Volodymyr Medvediev, National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine

Doctor of psychological sciences, professor,

Professor of the Department of Legal Psychology

Olena Vagina, National Academy of the National Guard of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine

Candidate of psychological sciences,

Associate professor of the Department of State Security

Svitlana Okhrimenko, National Academy of Internal Affairs, Kyiv, Ukraine

Candidate in law,

Research officer at the Research Laboratory


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How to Cite

Barko, V., Okhrimenko, I., Medvediev, V., Vagina, O., & Okhrimenko, S. (2020). Professional Psychological Profile of a Modern Patrol Officer as the Basis of Efficient Official Activities. Postmodern Openings, 11(3), 01-19.



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