Society Ladenness Model: System-Parametric Analysis


  • Alla Nerubasska Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University
  • Volha Paulava Odesa National Maritime Academy
  • Valentyna Bogachenko O.S. Popova Odesa National Academy of Telecommunications
  • Oresta Lopuha Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University



ladenness of facts, the concept of social ladenness, the coronavirus pandemic, bifurcational ladennesses, system-parametric analysis


The system-parametric method developed by A. Uyemov allows creating a model of the contemporary bifurcational reality. There are many terms adopted from other sciences which are often used in postmodern philosophy. Bifurcation is one of such terms adopted from synergetics. In this article emphasis is placed on the contemporary time which is bifurcational in its essence. Using the key thesis of the systems method which states that any object can be presented as a system, we propose to create a model of social ladenness. The mere fact that ladenness exists, makes the system of crisis (bifurcation) nature. The social ladenness is defined using system descriptors. This definition contains the concept, the structure, and the substrate of the object and analysis of their elements. Consistence and hierarchical arrangement of the descriptors is the social ladenness model under discussion. The elements identified in the social ladenness model are the economic, political, technical, ecological, religious, creative and bifurcation impact. We identified some markers of human existence in the community system. The coronavirus pandemic is used as an example to demonstrate the way the bifurcation society system model can be built in order to find solutions to overcome the social and individual crises.


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How to Cite

Nerubasska, A., Paulava, V. ., Bogachenko, V., & Lopuha, O. (2021). Society Ladenness Model: System-Parametric Analysis. Postmodern Openings, 12(1Sup1), 271-286.



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