Intensification of Management of Economic Security of the Enterprise in the Post-Pandemic Space




intensification, management, economic behaviour, security, threat, risk, management decision, post-pandemic society


Intensification of entrepreneurial activity in a post-pandemic space requires improved management both at the level of economic security and at the level of the entire enterprise. The expediency of the transition from the extensive type of development of the load management system is substantiated. The scientific approaches to the interpretation of the terms "intensification", "management" and "economic behaviour" are generalized. The attention is focused on the need to create a safe development environment for each enterprise. The expediency of interpreting the term “management intensification” as the influence of a managed subsystem on a managed one with the active use of new technologies and techniques, forms of labour organization, rational use, motivation and development to achieve the objectives is substantiated. The essence of the term “economic behaviour” is considered through the process of development and implementation of managerial decisions, which determine the interaction of the managing and managed subsystems with the subsequent change in the current state and development trends of the entire system. The tasks of security subjects regarding the emergence of new challenges, risks and threats in the face of intensified management of the economic behaviour of enterprises in the post-pandemic conditions of the existence of society are determined.


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How to Cite

Sylkin, O., Bosak, I., Homolska, V., Okhrimenko, I., & Andrushkiv, R. (2021). Intensification of Management of Economic Security of the Enterprise in the Post-Pandemic Space. Postmodern Openings, 12(1Sup1), 302-312.



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