Mentality as Category of Social Philosophy in the Post-Pandemic Society


  • Mykola Tulenkov Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
  • Eduard Gugnin Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic” National University
  • Sergiy Shtepa National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
  • Oksana Patynok National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
  • Mykola Lipin University of Trade and Economics



mentality, social philosophy, postmodern, post-pandemic society, social sciences


The concept of mentality in the context of today's post-pandemic society, its role in the development of historical and socio-postmodern scientific thought are analyzed. Its correlation with other categories has been determined, revealing phenomena that are close in meaning. Revealed the significance of the category of mentality for the study of the development of society.

Mentality as a system is a categorical characteristic of a nation, and hence of a society, the core of which is a given nation. The study of mentality allows us to understand the internal relationships in society identify the internal reasons for the development of society and do praxeological research. The analysis of mentality within the framework of social philosophy cannot be limited to a certain time period (era), this category characterizes the nation and society at the present stage, accumulating in itself all the historical influences and changes projected at the present.

The article examines the phenomenon of mentality as a system of internal deep-psychological socio-cultural attitudes of the individual. The article considers and substantiates a mental approach to understanding the phenomena of socially individual life. The philosophical and educational aspects of the formation of personality mentality and the main "problematic sides" of modern education through the prism of the mental approach are actualized.


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How to Cite

Tulenkov, M., Gugnin, E., Shtepa, S., Patynok, O., & Lipin, M. (2021). Mentality as Category of Social Philosophy in the Post-Pandemic Society. Postmodern Openings, 12(1Sup1), 393-403.



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