Coronavirus Deformation of the Value-Semantic Matrix of the Life of the World Community in the Conditions of a Postmodern Society




postmodern society, pandemic conditions, value-semantic matrix, world community, deformation


The range of research on value issues is quite wide today. The transition from understanding values as a philosophical category to a psychological interpretation of the nature of values has led to the emergence of many trends and psychological concepts of value problems. In this study, we will reveal the main modern views of researchers on the essence of the value-semantic matrix of both an individual and the entire world community. The modern socio-economic situation in the world is characterized by an almost permanent crisis state both in the social, and in the spiritual, cultural sphere, which is due to the existence of the consequences of the epidemic situation in the world. Based on this, the problem of teaching the dynamics of the value-semantic matrix, its development and changes under the influence of personality crises of various origins, both external ones caused by the social situation in the country, the impact of new information technologies, and internal ones, caused by growing up, growth, psychological development personality in time and space. Therefore, the purpose of this work is to conduct a theoretical study of the value-semantic sphere as a system that undergoes changes during the crisis periods of a person's life and to investigate the main deformations that have taken place in the Mind of existence of today's post-pandemic reality.


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How to Cite

Bekh, V., Vashkevych, V., Postol, O., Kalinichenko, B., & Lipin, M. (2021). Coronavirus Deformation of the Value-Semantic Matrix of the Life of the World Community in the Conditions of a Postmodern Society. Postmodern Openings, 12(1), 284-295.



Research on Covid-19 Pandemic

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