Empirical Substantiation of Management Activity: Imperatives of the Sphere of Publicity in the Context of the Contemporary Postmodern Society


  • Petro Petrovskyi Lviv Regional Institute of Public Administration, Lviv, Ukraine
  • Orest Krasivskyy Lviv Regional Institute of Public Administration, Lviv
  • Natalya Maziy Ukrainian Academy of Printing, Lviv
  • Denis Krasivsky Training Institute of the State Employment Service of Ukraine
  • Vasyl Pasichnyk Lviv Regional Institute of Public Administration, Lviv




contemporary postmodern society, substantiation of management activity, empirical substantiation, postmodern factors, subject field of management activity


The process of empirical substantiation of management activity in the context of existing requirements for ensuring the development of the public sphere is investigated. The relevance and necessity of such a justification is due to a number of postmodern factors, in particular, such characteristics of the indicated activity as versatility of implementation and direction, significant uncertainty of the premises, poly-subjectivity and value of reaching consensus. The essence of empirical substantiation is defined as the process of establishing the reliability of knowledge about the initial situation by applying a number of proven methods and measures. The difficulty of such an establishment is due to the fact that there is a fundamental opposition between knowledge and the real situation of objects reproduced by it. The justification of the reliability of empirical knowledge differs from the data similar to the content of scientific research and verification of data, since it includes taking into account the significance of the subject given to the subject of managerial activity. Given the subject-object nature of the latter, its empirical substantiation is carried out using a combination of natural science and humanitarian postmodern approaches. The position is substantiated that intersubjective certainty fundamentally differs from subjectivity and the lines of their distinction are drawn.


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How to Cite

Petrovskyi, P., Krasivskyy, O., Maziy, N., Krasivsky, D., & Pasichnyk, V. (2020). Empirical Substantiation of Management Activity: Imperatives of the Sphere of Publicity in the Context of the Contemporary Postmodern Society. Postmodern Openings, 11(2 Supl 1), 301-316. https://doi.org/10.18662/po/11.2Sup1/194



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