A Content Analysis on Articles Using Twitter in Education


  • Huseyin Bicen Near East University, North Nicosia, Cyprus, Mersin 10 Turkey
  • Rustam Haidov Mr.




Social Media in Education, Twitter, content analysis, EBSCO


In the new era, it is almost impossible to imagine a modern person without the information and communication technologies that fill his life. These technologies permeate all areas of activity, and education is no exception. Despite the huge number of research papers distributed on Twitter integrated into the fields of Education, there is a deficiency and lack of content analysis research papers. Thus, the search was conducted on the three major databases such as Web of Science, Scopus and the EBSCO with the keywords selected as “Twitter in Education”, the study thus was based on content analysis. All studies published on Web of Science, Scopus and the EBSCO were statistically analyzed according to the frequencies and percentages. The distribution of the studies was analyzed regarding the publication years, document type, subject areas, organizations, authors, languages, countries/territories, and the research methods. The findings of this study reveal the importance of Twitter in Education, especially in medicine, social sciences and computer sciences. The findings of this study also highlighted the considerable growth of popularity over the years.

Author Biography

Huseyin Bicen, Near East University, North Nicosia, Cyprus, Mersin 10 Turkey

He has been the Head of the Human Resources Development in the Education Department since 2013. He founded the Near East University Distance Learning Centre and served as the Director between the years of 2013-2019, the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Open and Distance Education in 2015-2019, and Acting Dean of the same faculty since 2019. Hüseyin Bicen has contributed to various social responsibility projects as well as Environmental Education and Technology Integration works, and is a member of the Administrative Board of the Accessible Informatics Platform. Hüseyin Bicen has published high-impact articles titled Distance Education, Social Media in Education, Technology Addiction, Massive Open Online Courses, Artificial Intelligence, Gamification, and Flipped Classroom in both national and international conference papers and book chapters with academic content indexed in the Social Sciences Index. In addition, he is an active participant in the science committees of international conferences as well as the referee boards of projects and journals.


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How to Cite

Bicen, H., & Haidov, R. (2021). A Content Analysis on Articles Using Twitter in Education. Postmodern Openings, 12(1Sup1), 19-34. https://doi.org/10.18662/po/12.1Sup1/269



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