Coding with Patience (Programare cu Rabdare) – a Non-Formal Educational Initiative to Increase the ICT Skills


  • Bogdan Patrut Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania; Asociatia EduSoft Bacau, Romania
  • Stefan-Alfred Maris Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania
  • Simina Maris Ioan Slavici University of Timisoara, Romania; Ioan Slavici HighSchool of Timisoara, Romania



Non-formal education, Coding with Patience, Programming, ICT skills


Non-formal learning in ICT refers to various situations that are not covered by the classical schooling system: either the students want to learn something that is not in the curricula offered by their schools, either they want to enhance the knowledge acquired at school. Moreover, non-formal methods offer a friendly environment oriented to learning and acquiring not only the desired competencies, but also cross-competencies like cooperation, critical thinking, innovation, entrepreneurship and other life and career-oriented skills.

From this point of view, this paper will present a case study of a non-formal educational entity in ICT (Coding with Patience) which focuses on enhancing programming competencies of young people. This is a private initiative that promotes collaborative learning, aiming to offer equal opportunities through inclusive education. The present outcomes of the initiative will be compared with its objectives and further development directions will be detailed.


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How to Cite

Patrut, B., Maris, S.-A., & Maris, S. (2020). Coding with Patience (Programare cu Rabdare) – a Non-Formal Educational Initiative to Increase the ICT Skills. Postmodern Openings, 11(3), 290-302.



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