Environmental Concerns and the Role Played by Civic Moral Disengagement and Time Perspective: a Pilot Experimental Study
fast-fashion, environmental concern, time perspective, moral disengagementAbstract
In the present exploratory study, our primary aim was to explore whether knowledge about the fast-fashion industry's harmful effects would significantly impact participants' shopping intentions (i.e., eco or fast-fashion items products). Using an experimental approach, we created a virtual clothing shop and allowed participants to win, through a raffle, the contents of their shopping carts. Participants in the experimental group watched a video about the adverse environmental consequences of the fast-fashion industry. In contrast, in the control group, we used a neutral video describing various technical marketing strategies. In the experimental condition, participants chose more eco-friendly products) compared to the control. However, there were no significant differences between the two groups in terms of fast-fashion consumption behaviors, i.e., the choices of buying fast-fashion items. We also found several significant associations between participants' general concern for the environment, consideration of future consequences, civic moral disengagement, and consumption behaviors (buying eco or fast-fashion items following the experimental procedure). Results are discussed concerning their practical implications for sustainable citizenship participation and sustainable education.
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