Flipped Classroom Approach During Multimedia Project Development


  • Funda Gezr Fasli Near East University




Teacher candidates, flipped classroom, blended learning, project development


The Flipped Classroom Model is a particular type of Blended Learning Model that enables more active learning in the classroom environment. In other words, by dismissing the traditional teaching method, the Flipped Classroom Model provides an active learning environment with classroom activities. Students learn by making use of information and communication technologies. Students watch videos about their course whenever they want and take notes before coming to class. Instead of providing students with lecture notes before each lesson, videos are assigned to be watched. Therefore, in this research, it aims to identify the teacher candidates' views regarding project development training carried out with the Flipped Classroom approach. The research is composed of qualitative data collected from 21 teacher candidates studying their final year at the university. The research findings indicated that teacher candidates are satisfied with applying the Flipped Classroom approach as it increased curiosity and willingness of the participants towards the multimedia development course. It is also found that the majority of the teacher candidates produced complimentary views regarding the project development training carried out with the Flipped Classroom approach.


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How to Cite

Fasli, F. G. . (2021). Flipped Classroom Approach During Multimedia Project Development. Postmodern Openings, 12(1Sup1), 01-18. https://doi.org/10.18662/po/12.1Sup1/268



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