How Should we Measure Public Sector Performance?


  • Lavinia Mustea Postdoctoral fellow, West University of Timisoara, Timisoara, Romania
  • Lavinia Daniela Mihiţ PhD Student, West University of Timisoara, Timisoara, Romania
  • Oana Ramona Lobonţ Professor, West University of Timisoara, Timisoara, Romania



public sector, performance, measurement methodologies, content analysis, bibliometric analysis


The methodology applied for measuring the public sector performance is a disputed topic both in academia and for decision-making policies implementation. Thus, in this paper, we analyze the importance of the topic for researches and also try to identify the methodologies considered within the literature for measuring public sector performance, which would allow comparison between states, and reporting to certain values. The novelty of our approach is that, firstly, we draw a content analysis, with a focus on the methodologies applied for measuring the performance in the public sector in terms of productivity, efficiency, and performance. Secondly, with the support provided by the VOSviewer it is performed a bibliometric analysis and science mapping. We focus our research on keywords co-occurrence, authors co-citation and co-authorship to observe countries and institutions that generate publications on “public sector performance”. On the one hand, our results reveal that entail Analysis of Main Components has proven to be an effective tool to perform complex analysis of public sector performance, through the composite indicator that achieves an aggregation of several important areas of the public sector, considering its complexity and large size. On the other hand, strong links between keywords, researcher’s networks and country and institutions where the research is concentrated where highlighted.


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How to Cite

Mustea, L., Mihiţ, L. D., & Lobonţ, O. R. (2021). How Should we Measure Public Sector Performance?. Postmodern Openings, 12(1Sup1), 71-89.



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