Discrimination in Sports as a Risk of Human Rights Violations in Ukraine


  • Alina Steblianko Sumy State University
  • Nataliia Hlushchenko Sumy State University
  • Volodymyr Bilobrov Donetsk Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine
  • Oleh Turenko Donetsk Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine
  • Tetiana Bilobrova Donetsk Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine
  • Alona Bykovska Donetsk Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine




restrictive regulations, the ombudsman institution, the principles of inclusiveness, the principle of non-discrimination, racial discrimination, types of racism in sports


The urgency of the issue in question lies in the need to improve anti-discrimination legislation in Ukraine. The article aims to summarize the current state of combating discrimination in sports. Research methods include analysis, generalization, and the formal-logical method. The article summarizes international acts that promote the prohibition of discrimination  and the need to combat it. One of the main problems in world sport is racial discrimination, and there are three types of racism in sports. The main disadvantage of laws that lead to imperfect prosecution mechanism is entirely criminal liability for discrimination, even though the law on preventing and combating discrimination also implies administrative and civil liability. The article analyzes some positive foreign experience in combating and counteracting in sports. It shows that the priority areas for combating and counteracting discrimination in sports in Ukraine should be: (a) improving the legislation in terms of prosecution; (b) establishing a special body responsible for combating and counteracting discrimination in sports; (c) introducing educational tools in schools and among members of sports organizations that promote human rights, regardless of race, colour or other characteristics. Emphasis is placed on the fact that an effective mechanism of legal regulation together with preventive measures should guarantee the protection of the rights of both athletes and fans. The obtained results can serve as the basis of legislative proposals to improve the fight against discrimination in sports, which will ensure the protection of human rights.


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How to Cite

Steblianko, A., Hlushchenko, N., Bilobrov, V., Turenko, O., Bilobrova, T., & Bykovska, A. (2022). Discrimination in Sports as a Risk of Human Rights Violations in Ukraine. Postmodern Openings, 13(2), 430-447. https://doi.org/10.18662/po/13.2/463



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