Enterpreneship Transformation in the Context of the Digitization of Business Processes


  • Lyubov Lytvyn Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University
  • Anatoliy Hryhoruk Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University
  • Liudmyla Verbivska Chernivtsi National University
  • Oleksandr Poprotskyy Hryhorii Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav
  • Tetiana Medynska Rivne State University of Humanities
  • Oksana Pelekh Rivne State University of Humanities




globalization, innovations, digital technologies, post-industrial society, competitiveness of enterprises, business processes


This article examines the transformation of enterprises activity in terms of digitalization of business processes. The rapid and global spread of information and communication technologies contributes to the development of the digital economy and causes changes in the economic environment, which leads to the transformation of business activities, methods of transactions and the level of connections between economic entities.

Globalization and digitalization of the economy transform the key characteristics and objectives of enterprises, the directions of their development and business management processes. Technological innovations create benefits that affect the economic system as a whole and its individual components. At the same time, the introduction of innovations is carried out in conditions of uncertainty and is associated with a high degree of risk that affects the economic security of enterprises.

In the new conditions of information economy development, the competitive struggle of enterprises is intensifying, the models of enterprise management are changing, and the level of digitalization of business processes is growing. The digital age is changing the approach to doing business.  The use of information technology such as marketing management systems, sales and service, telephony and messengers, document management and personnel management systems, accounting systems and other applications transform the activities of enterprises. In the process of enterprise modernization, information becomes a new factor of production, which gradually replaces other factors of production. Тechnology continues to be the largest sector in terms of market capitalization.

Effective implementation of innovations, digitalization of business processes allows companies to increase their productivity, achieve the required level of competitiveness and take a stable position in the markets.


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How to Cite

Lytvyn, L., Hryhoruk, A., Verbivska, L., Poprotskyy, O., Medynska, T., & Pelekh, O. (2022). Enterpreneship Transformation in the Context of the Digitization of Business Processes. Postmodern Openings, 13(2), 396-408. https://doi.org/10.18662/po/13.2/461



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