Discursive Hypostatisations. Philosophic, Scientific, Literary, Artistic and Religious Discursivity





discourse, knowledge, representation, object


The realm of discursivity is in truth heteroclite, submitted to metamor-phoses that testify the various correspondences between the axis of being (the on) and that of the existent (gegonos) is testified. Discursivity “pre-sentifies” in a manifested manner a referent that at the same time is not able to determine its existence without associating itself with a situation of knowledge, implicitly with a form of rendering and representation. Be-ing articulated as a conceptual hypostatisation of reason (the philosophic discourse), or a form that creates significance (the artistic discourse), a textual and socio-historical device (the literary discourse),  as a closing up of the circle of interpretations (the scientific discourse) or as resignation in silence (the religious discourse), discourse itself emerges as a reflection of conscience about things, that is, it acts, produces, searches for affirmation, thus and ultimately crafting out a possible world.

Author Biographies

Raluca - Stanciu, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu

Lecturer, Phd, Department of Social Assistance, Journalism, Public Relations and Sociology

Anca-Elena David, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu

I am a lecturer in the Faculty of Socio-Human Sciences of the "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu (Romania), where I carry out teaching and research. Doctor in philology in 2008 at the Faculty of Letters, History and Journalism, of "Lucian Blaga" University, Sibiu (Romania) obtaining the "Very Good" rating and the "Magna cum laude" distinction. The main areas of interest, research and specialization are the communication sciences, the genres of the press in information journalism, documentation in journalism, media criticism, linguistics and press history, reflected in studies such asMarginal Thinking. Knowledge and Communication in the Postmodern Era, The powerful impact of the social media over the field of lifelong learning, The unity and the unification of Language in the discussions of the Transylvanian press in the 19th century.Sociable, receptive, empathetic person, eager for continuous knowledge and perfection.


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How to Cite

Stanciu, R. .-., & David, A.-E. (2022). Discursive Hypostatisations. Philosophic, Scientific, Literary, Artistic and Religious Discursivity. Postmodern Openings, 13(1), 363-371. https://doi.org/10.18662/po/13.1/401



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