A Critical Review of the Literature on the Relationships between Personality Variables, Parenting and Marital Satisfaction
marital satisfaction, parenting, personality, literature reviewAbstract
The aim of the paper is to examine the relevant literature on the relation-ships between personality variables, parenting correlates and marital satisfaction. It should also contribute to reader’s knowledge and under-standing through a critical review of the literature published in recent years. Data source: empirical studies were searched from for in scientific data-bases: Ebsco, ScienceDirect, PsychInfo, and Proquest. The searches generated 4477 articles, of which 28 studies met the criteria for inclusion in the analysis. Systematic searches of studies published in English in the period 2005–2019 were carried out. The key search terms in English were adapted according to the search options in each database and included variations on the components or dimensions of the topic of interest: marital satisfaction, marital stress, marriage, co-parenting, married couples, marital disharmony, marital quality, marital relationship, personality, and factors involved in marital satisfaction. The studies were selected based on their relevance according to the identification of the search terms in the title, abstract, or in the keywords/ or topic, or, where necessary and possible, in the main text. The most commonly identified predictors of marital satisfaction and well-being for the couple included neuroticism, agreeableness, conscientiousness, extraversion, parental stress, openness to experience, impulsivity, parenting, immature defence mechanism, communication, emotional stability, and marital support.
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