The Digital Competences of a Specialist: Contemporary Realities of the Information and Technological Paradigm in the Age of Globalization
Competence of specialist, digital competence, qualification levels, educational system, digitalization, regulatory documentsAbstract
The article recounts that against the background of globalization processes that swept the world in the late twentieth century and left an indelible mark on the further progress of mankind there was a need to adapt the educational and social systems of Ukraine to functioning in the new conditions of crucial transformations caused by the dynamic changes triggered by universal digitalization, which now penetrates all branches and spheres of public life. It has been noted that the educational sphere is in a state of permanent change, trying to adapt to the new environment in order to ensure a decent level of training specialists of the relevant educational and qualification level capable of adapting to rapidly changing conditions, taking into account the competence acquired in the process of training. As a result, it is shown that in today’s globalized world, the need to master digital competence at an appropriate qualification level comes to the fore, taking into consideration the factors of stair stepping and succession, in response to requirements and challenges of today’s world, which even in a short period of time are able to significantly influence any sphere, transforming its further functioning. The content analysis of regulatory documents enabled to identify the main problematic aspects of the educational industry in the context of ensuring the compliance of the process of standardization of education at the relevant qualification levels, which is characterized by certain fragmentarity and inconsistency and requires further weighted and step-by-step transformative phases in the educational system of Ukraine ensuring its correlation with the European educational standards and guaranteeing its quality.
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