Influential Modifications of the Genre System of Modern Mass Media


  • Valentyna Stiekolshchykova Pylyp Orlyk International Classical University
  • Ruslana Savchuk Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
  • Olena Makarchuk Lviv Polytechnic National University
  • Iryna Filatenko Kyiv Medical University
  • Oleksandra Humanenko Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University
  • Nataliia Shoturma Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University



Modification, mass media, new media, digital media, video games, modern platforms, mobile technologies


The article is devoted to the consideration of the issue of influential modifications of the genre system of modern mass media. It has been established that the mass media are one of the main means of communication for the wide audience. The meaning of the words "modification", "mass media", "mobile journalism", "new media" has been studied. The article notes that "new media" appeared in the 60s of the XX century. The main characteristics of the media are presented. It is noted that the most common examples of mass media are television, radio, newspapers, magazines, social media, digital media, the Internet. The textbooks and publications of domestic and foreign scientists, which raise the issue of influential modifications of the genre system of modern mass media are highlighted. It was found that the first media were newspaper, telegraph, radio, television. The study of the main types of media is emphasized: traditional media, print media, electronic broadcasting media, external media, transit media and new media. It is noted that new media is a reconceptualization of traditional media. The aspect of media in the role of a social institution has been studied. It was noted about the significant impact of digitalization on the global media system. The significant influence of the use of the Internet in the political life of the United States is given as an illustrative example. The use of the "video story" technology as one of the strategies for holding the attention of the reader or listener is considered. The focus is on the interactive storytelling made possible by digital media and provides advantages for interactive television and cinema, as well as helping to create virtual and mixed reality in games, contributing to the emergence of new forms of voice games.


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How to Cite

Stiekolshchykova, V., Savchuk, R., Makarchuk, O., Filatenko, I., Humanenko, O., & Shoturma, N. (2022). Influential Modifications of the Genre System of Modern Mass Media. Postmodern Openings, 13(2), 461-474.



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