Dialogue in the Philosophical and Educational Postmodern View
Education philosophy, dialogical method, Socratic dialogue’, interactive dialogue, egalitarian dialogue, dialogical pedagogics, dialogical spaceAbstract
The article analyses the modern assimilations of the definition ‘dialog’ and its rendering by the world academic community. Attention is drawn to the exceptional empirical significance of dialogics as a general scientific universal. The etymology of dialogue as a key category of philosophical, educational and pedagogical knowledge is identified. The evolution of the lead notionalists` ideas about the kernel and nature of dialogue that are relevant of the humanity itself, human mind and constant search of true knowledge is studied. A parallel is drawn between Socratic dialogue and dialogue in the postmodern educational and philosophic discourse. The problem of the antique thinkers` understanding of dialogue is studied discretely. The contemporary approaches to the fundamentals of dialogism, as outlined in the works of the lead theorists, are studied from the antiqueness to these days. It is highlighted how relevant and applicable for educational philosophy of the XXI century ‘G. Skovoroda`s dialogues’ are. It is ascertained that setting dialogue as autonomous subject of research of a particular school of thought reaches the works of L. Feuerbach with its thesis origins, but gets its final formulization in the works of M. Buber. The author dwells on the main theses of the approach of M. Bakhtin about the dialogic sources of the human beingness. The content and scope of the concepts ‘dialogical pedagogics’, ‘interactive dialogue’, ‘egalitarian dialogue’ are analysed. The advantages and disadvantages of the idea ‘knowledge building’ are studied. It is accentuated that the origins of many contemporary dialogue theories and methodologies date back to the ancient times and represent the attempts to integrate the ‘Socratic dialogue’ into the postmodern discourse. The state of adaptedness and conformance of the contemporary theories of dialogue to challenges of digitalisation and globalisation of the postmodern educational-philosophical space is studied.
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