Interactive Sound Installation as an Implementation of Contemporary Communication Models


  • Asmati Chibalashvili Modern Art Research Institute of National Academy of Arts of Ukraine
  • Polina Kharchenko National Academy of Arts of Ukraine
  • Ruslana Bezuhla Modern Art Research Institute of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine
  • Igor Savchuk Modern Art Research Institute of National Academy of Arts of Ukraine
  • Victor Sydorenko Modern Art Research Institute of National Academy of Arts of Ukraine



contemporary art practices, interactivity, sound installation, visual arts, communication model


Digitalization, virtualization, commercialization, loss of integrity, polystylistics, liberation from any norms are the latest trends that determine the development of contemporary art. They influence the functioning of modern communication models that evolve in accordance with the achievements of technology and acquire mobility, variability and interactivity. Interaction between social processes and scientific and technological achievements is increasing, the essence of communication in the space of modern culture is being rethought, particularly, the boundary between the types of art is being levelled. The latter phenomenon leads to the emergence of new instruments and methods of artistic creativity and expands the possibilities of artistic self-expression. One of the promising areas of artistic exploration is the creation of sound interactive installations. This paper proposes a classification of communication models that are based on the analysis of interactive sound installations. The classification is based on determining the degree to which audiences actions influence the final sound result of the creative action. The paper claims that the parameters of the exhibition space are important components of the installation’s structure and form. A dialogue with nature by way of incorporating sounds of nature, their imitations, and interpretations in art objects is found to be a current trend in interactive sound installations.


Author Biographies

Polina Kharchenko, National Academy of Arts of Ukraine

Candidate of Sciences in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Senior Researcher, Academic Secretary of Theory and History of Arts Department, National Academy of Arts of Ukraine

Ruslana Bezuhla, Modern Art Research Institute of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine

Doctor of Art Studies, Associate Professor,

head of the Department of Theory and History of Culture,

Modern Art Research Institute of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine


Igor Savchuk, Modern Art Research Institute of National Academy of Arts of Ukraine

Doctor of Art Studies, Deputy Director for Scientific Affairs,

Modern Art Research Institute of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine


Victor Sydorenko, Modern Art Research Institute of National Academy of Arts of Ukraine

Candidate of Art Studies, Director,
Modern Art Research Institute of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine


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How to Cite

Chibalashvili, A., Kharchenko, P. ., Bezuhla, R. ., Savchuk, I. ., & Sydorenko, V. . (2022). Interactive Sound Installation as an Implementation of Contemporary Communication Models. Postmodern Openings, 13(2), 239-253.



Theoretical articles

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