Realization of Future Teacher’s Mental Space in the Process of Bite-Sized Learning


  • Tetiana Kravchyna
  • Ludmyla Kondratska
  • Liudmila Romanovska
  • Nataliia Korolova
  • Tatiana Gudz



mental-spatial concept, course design, didactics of performative action, bite-sized learning


As there are contradictions in the digital technology: 1) a tool for professional growth and 2) a tool for imposing a prepared scenario of achieving success on the subject, ignoring the principle of environmental compliance, our study aims to substantiate and experimentally test the effectiveness of the model of realization of modern student’s mental experience (factor in activating his systemic thinking and teleological competence). Moreover, the technology of programming as philosophizing in the BSL format is considered to be an element in the humanization of geeks culture in the situation of supposed technological singularity. In accordance with the goal, we have created a regression-correlation design for the study of the influence of the predictor variable (BSL) on the criterion variable (disclosure of mental experience). The exploratory methodology of our experimental study is determined by the content of bite sized-approbation of the author's model ‘Flipped Class’. Its conceptual idea is self-learning as creativity, which is realized in the didactics of performative action. The results of the tasks have revealed the relationships and differences in the implementation of indicators of students’ mental experience of joint e-Learning and BSL, which are visualized in correlation galaxies for future clustering. They have confirmed the leading idea of ​​our study: the disclosure of the resources inherent in human nature in the process of learning is the way for the relentless cognition of the sense of placement with a view to achieving dignity and making free choices in life.   


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How to Cite

Kravchyna, T., Kondratska, L., Romanovska, L., Korolova, N., & Gudz, T. (2022). Realization of Future Teacher’s Mental Space in the Process of Bite-Sized Learning. Postmodern Openings, 13(2), 97-117.



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