The Relevance of Critical Thinking from the Perspective of Professional Training


  • Rarita Mihail Dunarea de Jos University of Galati



Thinking, critical thinking, education, socio-constructivism, professional training


In today's complex world, influenced by information bombardment and rapid technological development, professional training cannot remain limited to the idea of passing knowledge. There is a need to shift the students’ view towards the true spirit of research, which targets the scientific thought on certain social phenomena, and to form critical thinking skills to produce effective individuals in the current labour market, who not only receive information, but go further and analyze problems in the workplace, presenting solutions to identified problems and applying these solutions in concrete situations. For this reason, critical thinking is considered a top skill, being highly appreciated by the business world and organizations. But to think critically is a capacity that does not develop by itself, it must be practiced and encouraged in a correct learning environment. Critical thinking has become one of the most important educational goals, which must be achieved by the different educational institutions through all the programs studied by students in the different educational cycles, but also by students in the university environment. Starting from this, this article analyses the types of specific actions which target the introduction of the abilities of critical thinking in the training activities in Romania, and in society in its entirety, by identifying the setbacks encountered, and the limits of such an endeavour.

Author Biography

Rarita Mihail, Dunarea de Jos University of Galati

participare la conferinta NASHS2020


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How to Cite

Mihail, R. (2022). The Relevance of Critical Thinking from the Perspective of Professional Training. Postmodern Openings, 13(2), 499-513.



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