Development of Ukrainian Choral Art in Conditions of Postmodernism


  • Yuliia Havrylenko Sumy State Pedagogical University named after AS Makarenko
  • Yuliia Hrytsun T.H. Shevchenko National University «Chernihiv Colehium»
  • Iryna Kondratenko T.H. Shevchenko National University “Chernihiv Colehium”
  • Liubava Sukhova I.P. Kotlyarevsky Kharkov National University of Arts



Musical drama, composer, genre, style, intonation, choral music, Ukrainian choral art, history of choral art


The article presents a research work in a context of highlighting the peculiarities of development of  Ukrainian choral art. The research describes the main theoretical and methodological approaches to defining the essence of choral art and postmodernism as a basis for the formation of a new worldview, a new thinking, which is a sign of a challenge of modernity. The basic context of formation of choral art is researched. The results of the research form the main historical trends in a development of choral art in the context of a basis of a human worldview and factors shaping an idea of worldview as a cultural manifestation of an era.

In the research the tendencies are identified in postmodern influence on the development of a culture, in particular choral art. Postmodernism is defined by a worldview that has become a challenge to the social development in the post-industrial era. In postmodern period appear art movements of surrealism, abstractionism, impressionism, symbolism and other cultural and art movements, which are reflected in an unrealistic way, indicating new trends in a new society.

We used analytical and research methods, a characteristic of music and game activities. Methods of a synthesis, an analysis and interpretation of choral art in a context of development of the Ukrainian culture were used for the research. The results of the research confirmed that in the conditions of postmodernism new tendencies of choral art are formed, which presents mental features in a context of information, a post-industrial society.


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How to Cite

Havrylenko, Y., Hrytsun, Y., Kondratenko, I., & Sukhova, L. (2022). Development of Ukrainian Choral Art in Conditions of Postmodernism. Postmodern Openings, 13(2), 345-357.



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