Aspects of Outlining a Post-Modern Management Necessary for the Physical Training of Military Students


  • Valentin Sorin Enăchescu State University of Physical Education and Sports, Chișinău, Republic of Moldova
  • Nicolae-Adrian Dina State University of Physical Education and Sports, Chișinău, Republic of Moldova
  • Gabriel Buciu Titu Maiorescu University, Faculty of General Health Care, Targu-Jiu



post-modern military training, military physical training management, motor skills


In a postmodern world which is extremely dynamic and anchored in a communication that requires online accesses in almost all fields, the training and preparation of young generations is required to be carried out in such a way that the acquisition of practical skills should be reflected in their future activities. Along with the other forms of training, physical training is a defining part of those who are part of the military environment. There are various aspects when, in the lives of the military, physical training can influence the course of their military career. Moreover, the motivations of behavioral changes, either inner or external, can cause increased attention to this type of training.

Military physical training is a stand-alone activity in the military environment, a basic component of military training programs. We will also highlight physical training through its importance in the context of preparing the military for participation in theatres of operations, facilitating the understanding of its role in modern conflicts and the support it can offer in achieving military tasks and objectives. Moreover, an advanced level of physical training will lead to the maximization of the psycho-moral and physical components of the combative capacities, will support the improvement and maintenance of general physical and mental health and will help to develop the capacity for resistance to stress conditions such as fatigue, fear, panic, hunger etc.


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How to Cite

Enăchescu, V. S., Dina, N.-A., & Buciu, G. (2022). Aspects of Outlining a Post-Modern Management Necessary for the Physical Training of Military Students. Postmodern Openings, 13(2), 475-488.



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