Professional and Communicative Competence of Physical Education Instructors in Postmodern Education
Communication, Interaction, Professional and Communicative Competence, Physical Education InstructorAbstract
Communication occupies a key place in the professional activities of physical education instructors, who involve students in physical culture and health activities, create conditions for them to master the experience of such activities through the implementation of health-preserving technologies in the process of student-centered education. The aim of the research is to investigate the psychological and pedagogical peculiarities of professional and communicative competence formation in future physical education instructors in postmodern education. The research involved 32 students; it was conducted in 2019-2021. Questionnaire survey of students was carried out according to the authors’ fact-finding questionnaire, aimed at studying the state of professional and communicative competences formedness in conformity with motivational, cognitive, behavioural, value-based, emotional-volitional criteria. The ascertaining stage of the experiment revealed insufficient level of professional and communicative competences formedness in the students according to the specified criteria. The formative stage of the experiment, which provided the creation of a communication-oriented educational environment for students, revealed an increase in the number of students with high and sufficient levels of professional and communicative competences formedness. An increase in the level of students’ mastering of theoretical knowledge in the field of physical education and sports to form professional and communicative competences during their study of mandatory and optional components of the educational program was also established. A high level of professional and communicative competences and theoretical knowledge of future physical education instructors, formed during their studies at a higher educational institution, will contribute to improving the efficiency of their future professional activities.
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